
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My eyes!

My eyes are burninating right now. Mainly because I'm tired, and I've been staring at a computer screen for awhile. I should go to bed, but I'm waiting for something, so I can't. Anywho, I'm kinda doing this just to pass some time. It'll probably be the most boring blog ever because I don't actually have any real motivation for writing it, but I don't think anybody reads this anyway. At least not as far as I know. Anybody out there? Hello? Just checking. I've haven't told anybody about it because I don't update it regularly. Pretty much only when I feel like it. I guess it's more for me than anyone else. Just to post stuff, and give my fingers something to type when they haven't had a paper due for an English class in a while. They need to stay in shape, and since I don't have much time to play video games when I'm school, this really helps.

I wish I would sleep more. I usually get at least 7 hrs. a night, but wouldn't it be awesome to get 8? All it would require is a little discipline to say no to things, and little more hard work during the day to make sure I get all my hw done. Yeah, that would be the sweet life. I'm sure most people don't get 8 hrs. Can you imagine how much different the world would be if we did? I'm sure it would be a lot better. People would be sharper, happier, less grumpy, more motivated, and have faster reflexes. As it stands now, most of us walk around at least somewhat tired most of the team, which is not cool. Anywho, I guess that's all I'll say for now. Later.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Sin Deeper Than Skin

There is a sin
That goes deeper than skin.

It goes deeper than bone
And into the zone
Where you alone
Cannot get it out.

And for now, even the Spirit,
Though He descend like a dove,
Cannot or will not
Make us pure love.

So we groan for the day,
When Christ will say
And we finally put away
This old, dusty frame
With its ancient shame
And leave it to rot where it lies.

And whether poetry or prose,
I dare not suppose
That I could even begin
To describe our new clothes.

But what I can pen
Is the end of sin,
Even the one that goes deeper than skin.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Empty Fullness vs. Satisfaction

"The righteous eat to their hearts' content,
but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry." (Prov. 13:25)

It's hard to be righteous and resist temptation. It always seems like there's some great satisfaction waiting for us on the other side of sin, but when I think about how I feel when I sin, I wouldn't call it satisfaction at all. It's comparable to eating bad cafeteria food. The food may look delicious at first sight, and it may even taste good going down if you're really hungry. But once you've finished eating it, even though you're full, you're not satisfied. It's sort of an empty fullness, a fullness that leaves you wanting. Then suppose right after you finish, some truly good food was set in front of you. You would want to eat it because you're not satisfied with what you already ate, but you can't because you're full. You can't eat the good food because you're too full of the bad food.

On the other hand, righteousness is comparable to the truly good food. Once you eat it, you're not only full but also satisfied. Not only do you not need any more food, you don't want it either. You can't want what you already have.

To summarize, being full on sin makes it very difficult to hunger for righteousness, and being full on righteousness makes it very difficult to hunger for sin.