Josh is the kind of guy that it's hard not to be friends with, even if you try not to. Not that I ever tried not to. I'm just saying, he's easy to befriend. In any given social context, it seems that Josh's number one priority is to make people laugh, and he has about a 50% success rate, which is pretty good. And when he does succeed, he REALLY succeeds. Though Josh was only here at UL for a year, and even though he's been gone now for almost a year, many of his jokes are still told to this today, and his legacy is kept alive by those who loved to laugh at them. Like the one where you take a saltshaker and a steak knife, and say "What's this? A salt with a deadly weapon!"
Josh is also a great man of God who is enlisted in active service in the Kingdom of God.
Finally, Josh also has a great, highly entertaining website, www.joshmanning.com, which you can check out for a peek into his life. Whether you know Josh or not, I'm pretty sure you'll be at least mildly amused by this site.
~Ken, Born of Fire
That's great. Kenneth. I'm glad I'm not the only who who thinks Josh is funny!
I thought it was weird the way you give a couple of paragraphs about his humor and only one sentence about how much he loves God!
I don't think it's weird at all. If I think back to times I've heard you talk about Josh, I would say you've definitely said more about his humor or funny things that he has done, moreso than his love for God. Am I not right?
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