I had my own little revelation regarding this fact today. Vines and branches were beginning to overtake the XA House recently, so I started chopping and snipping away at them, just a little each day for the past week or so. It left a few nice little compost piles of dead leaves and wood, which I decided to rake up and put in garbage bags today. As I was raking up one particular pile, mostly leaves and wet soil from all the rain we've gotten in the last week, I discovered an entire little ecosystem that had developed there. As I tore the brushed away at the canopy of this makeshift biosphere, little creatures scattered in every direction. Rolly pollies, worms, and all sorts of bugs ran off, presumably to find new shelter. I was amazed at how quickly this miniature world had become inhabited.
Many people, including both people of faith and people of science, are unable to see anything but conflict when looking at the ideas behind Evolution and Creation. Many others however, (including myself) look at these two ways of accounting for existence, and, far from seeing inherent conflict, we see two complementary Truths. Evolution is a story about the complexity of life developing from an odd, irresistible urge in every living thing, from single-celled organisms to homo sapiens, to live and to reproduce. The Biblical account of creation is a story about a God who creates life by the mere act of saying, "Let there be." I find it quite compelling to think that perhaps this urge to live that Darwin taught us about can be explained as a near-obsessive obedience to the diving command that Genesis teaches us about.
Read Genesis 1 again and notice that it is not a story of God crafting every plant and animal individually and micromanaging their existence. God actually commands the Earth itself to bring forth these creatures, and the Earth, of course, obeyed. The way I see it, Evolution is simply what happened when Creation listened to God's voice saying, "Let there be."
1 comment:
This is very interesting, Kenneth. I've often thought about this topic as well. I'm on both sides- in the matter of God creating us, but we have evolved and adapted. I miss reading your blogs!
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