However, the striking truth is that many of us buy into an oversimplified version of the Bible every single day of our lives. We really want it to be simple, so we project that desire onto our interactions with the text. We have a sense that it should be simple, which can lead us to interpret it to say what we think it ought to say. But is it really simple? Can you read Ecclesiastes and still say that it's simple? Or what if we asked Job, would he say that it's simple? If it's so simple, why was Jesus so troubled and filled with sorrow in the Garden of Gethsemene?
It's not simple, but we pretend it is every time we tell someone "This verse says [x], therefore [y] is true." We don't take time to consider the context, and we ignore the verses that might seem to contradict the proposed claim.
When considering the idea of Scriptural support for our beliefs, the most important question is NOT, "Can I find a verse or passage that supports this idea?" The most important question is, "Does this accord with the Scriptural revelation of God, particularly in regard to the definitive revelation found in the person of Jesus Christ?"
This is how I will filter my beliefs now. It's harder than the "find a verse" method, but it is also the more honest method of the two.
I find that there is, in fact, an overly simplified Bible: the Message translation. The church I attend in NYC often uses the Lord's Prayer from it, and I find the rendition both insulting to my intelligence and a trivialization of my relationship with the Almighty.
Good stuff Ken.
i think the bible is simple, but not easy.
i say its simple because you don't have to be a theologian or bible scholar to understand it.
but, i don't think it's easy.
'love your neighbor as yourself.'
simple statement.
not easy to put into practice.
'turn the other cheek.'
simply put.
not easy to live out.
but, i know where you're coming from. excellent post my friend.
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