The Blog of Fire is back for another installment!
So, as you probably are fully aware of, I just recently completed my first semester of teaching. And as you are probably equally aware of, teaching is what I want to pursue as a career. So, as you are probably equally capable of discerning as you are aware of those two things, this was an extremely important semester for me. I did, for the first time, what I intend to do for the next 40 or so years of my life. If I liked it, it would be a good sign that I should continue going in the direction that I am. If I hated it, it would perhaps be a sign that I should reconsider the whole course of my life! So which was it, you ask?
I loved it! There's just something so exhilarating about seeing someone really learn something for the first time. And it's more than just seeing them learn something about whatever the subject of the course happens to be (in my case, writing). When you teach someone something, you're really teaching them how to think. This is especially true when teaching writing. It's not like I can just spit out a bunch of facts, and then they memorize them and spit them back at me on a test. I'm teaching them how to organize, support, clarify, evaluate, and revise their thoughts and beliefs, and when they realize that that's what they're doing, it's an incredible sight to behold.
And of course, it doesn't hurt that my students actually seem to have liked me. A group of about 5 or 6 of them all gave me a thank you card at the end of the semester. That just put it all over the top.
So, for anyone wondering what my future is looking like, being a college professor is still looking pretty likely. I have other ideas too, but I'll save those thoughts for a future blog.
Ken, Born of Fire
P.S. I read yo mama's blog today. She said she was feeling a little lupine and that she was thinking about going out with the pack tonight.
nice. about time you updated. i'm anxious for the next installment.
Do you think they can say they were "taught of fire"?
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