Welcome to Friends, Part VIII:. The subject today is the young lady in the middle of this picture, Sally D'Avy, younger sister to Kelly and Molly, the subjects of those last two blogs.
Sally is a good bit younger than Kelly and Molly. She's not in college yet, thus I don't really have the opportunity to see her very often, except for when she comes to Lafayette to visit her siblings. Despite the infrequency of our meetings, I feel a unique kinship with Sally. I often find myself unusually excited to see her and inexplicably exuberant in her presence. I think I can pinpoint the precise moment when this began, in a memory labeled "I'm SERIOUS!"
I forget exactly what the occasion was, but a bunch of us were eating dinner at some restaurant in Lafayette. Sally was in town, so she joined us. And at the time, I had lately been in the habit of doing this thing where I would be pretending to laugh at something, and then I would suddenly sober my expression, rip my glasses from my face, and say "I'm SERIOUS!" People would usually laugh a good bit, so I would jump at the chance to do it around anyone who hadn't seen it yet. Sally hadn't seen it yet, so I did it to her. She began laughing so much that tears began rolling down her face!
I would later learn that Sally's laugh-tears weren't an infrequent occurrence for her. Regardless, in that moment, it felt quite special for someone to laugh so much at my antics. The bond was forged.
Of course, I don't think that's the whole reason of why I've come to like Sally so much, but that was certainly the beginning of it.
That was funny.
I'm serious, it was.
hey kenny ken ken! wow, that was a great blog, i read it to my parents, and they said that you're really good at writing, that it was very poetic. i have to agree, and thanks for putting something about me on your page, that was quite kind of you. if you thought i was laughing a lot at the restaurant, you should have seen me just now when i read that, the tears were in a constant flow. and to josh: i don't even know what to say to that, just that you encouraged the tears even more!
Can't say it was the first time I've made a woman cry.
Probably won't be the last, either.
oooooh .... wait ...
Those kind of tears ....
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