Let's play a game. Consider it a literary version of "Where's Waldo?," but this version is called "Where's God?" I'll give you a sequence of events, and you tell me where you see God in these situations:
I realized recently that I completely forgot to fill out a housing application for the Fall semester, and that the only applications being taken for men at the time are for a waiting list.
I go fill out an application to get on the waiting list, and when I go to make the pre-payment, my debit card is declined. This is odd because it's been a full 24 hours since I deposited my paycheck.
At this time, I also find out that the tuition waiver that I thought I had for the summer didn't come. I later find out that it's because I only had 3 hours, and I'm supposed to have 6 to qualify. Whoops. I owe the university some money.
So now, not only are my chances slim of getting into the dorms, but even if a room opens up, it's looking like I won't have the money to do pay for it.
On this same day, only hours later, I find out about a few other alternatives that I may have to staying in the dorms.
So the question is, again, where's God in this whole situation? Is it likely that he's directing all of this, and wants me to live somewhere besides the dorms for some reason? It doesn't seem likely at all that he would cause me to forget to fill out my housing application, but it does seem more than coincidental that all of these things happened like this. Did he cause my debit card to decline?
I'm asking all this because I usually use a lot of caution in saying "God did this" or "God did that." I think Christians say that all too quickly sometimes. Sometimes. Other times, I think God really is working for some specific purpose, and I'm wondering if this is one of those times, or if it is all a simple result of my forgetfulness and ignorance. Any thoughts?
Your ignorance and forgetfulness, most likely. That's the Josh Manning theory.
I do, however, believe God can work THROUGH this situation to bring about a good ending and open up some doors that may not have otherwise been open.
You should transfur to Nicholls and be my roommate. We don't have a higher ed English department, but you could get your MBA or something.
Of course, another explaination hit me today that I don't necessarily stand by, but enjoying toying with non-the-less.
What if God's ordained some other kid to live in the dorms so that he could met someone and have his life radically changed, but the only way to do that would be to get an open room in the dorms.
Bam! Ken Tayloy has a brain fart. Not necessarily for Ken Taylor's immediate good, but for the good of the over all Kingdom of God.
As I said, I stand by my earlier stance that sometimes we are just dumb and forgetful, but why not throw some more kindling on the coals, eh?
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